The purple and the green duster are flying towards the yellow duster. The purple player
has decided to start her flight and reaches a near perfect position to fire a shot.
Purple sets his magic book in front of her duster - although she should have placed it right at the
duster's nose it is clear that this is a clean hit. Yellow receives one damage point.
Please note that this would have been a miss if the yellow duster would have been out of reach - that means
if the purple magic book would not have touched the yellow duster.
Please note also that the yellow marker currently lying on castle 6 will be placed on castle 7 now (see next picture).
Now Green starts his flight - but one can already see that she will probably miss the yellow stauber since castle 7 is
blocking the line of the shot - additionally the yellow duster seems to be a little far away to be hit.
Actually the yellow duster is in reach for the shot, even if only the tail is touched by the magic book this would have
been a hit - but it is a miss nevertheless since castle 7 blocks the shot.
The yellow duster survices this situation and has good chances now to eliminate the green duster, since the green
marker is already placed on castle 7 meaning that Green already received 7 damage points.