Castle Falkenstein
"Castle Falkenstein" started it all.
This roleplaying game was so beautiful that we could not resist to translate it to german.
We founded Edition Erlkoenig to translate and publish Castle Falkenstein.
We also published some supplements like the "Wunderwerke" and
there is still some material left that we consider to publish one day.
Geschichten aus 1001 Nacht
We always loved the originality and beauty of the "Tales of the Arabian Nights".
And so - again - we published the german version of the 2nd edition of the "Tales".
Soon after publishing the german translation the game reappeared in the Internet Top 100.
Street Illegal
After two years of development and testing we finally published our first
boardgame designed by ourselves.
The game was published at the Spiel '02 (Essen, October 2002) and we were
very happy after receiving the first reactions
We selected an unusual theme for our next game - fighting a forest fire.
And we were right to do so: first reactions :-)
Dicke Dämonen
Dicke Dämonen was published at the Spielertage 2004 in Essen - we sold our first run completely (200 copies).
Vulkan! consists of a printed rule only - it can be played with the material of Feurio!.
Techno Witches
Our first game to be produced by a bigger publisher (Kosmos and Rio Grande Games).
Tschuk (Prototype)
Venus Connection (Prototype)
This year we worked a lot behind the scene for some publishers and did not publish a game ourselves.
Sim Serim
Perry Rhodan
We'll give some informations about these games at a later date.