Set up the sun spiral, the planets and the goods cards as in the basic game.
Each player takes one spaceship and places the matching miniature spaceship
at the outermost dot of the sun spiral indicating that he possesses 0 Megagalax
at the start of the game.
Remove the "Startkarte" (("Start Card")) from both decks - these are not used.
Find the two technology cards "Container" (("Container")) and one of the two
technology cards "Nachschub" (("Replenishment")) from the "Jet"
(("Sleek spaceship")) deck.
Find the two technology cards "Nachschub"
(("Replenishment")) and one of the two technology cards "Container"
(("Container")) from the "Kugelraumer" (("Bulky spaceship")) deck.
From these six technology cards each players gets one "Container" (("Container")) and one
"Nachschub" (("Replenishment")) and puts both of these open in front of him.
Shuffle the two decks separate from each other and put them down as separate
draw piles. Spaceship cards are discarded on one discard pile. As soon as both
draw piles are exhausted this discard pile is reshuffled to create one draw
pile. If this draw pile is exhausted again, reshuffle all discarded cards
again, etc.
Each player draws five spaceship cards to his hand. A player may choose freely
from wich deck to draw each card.