The player executes his turns according to the normal rules.
When it is the Opponent's turn his spaceship is placed directly in the orbit of the planet
shown as destination on the goods cards that are currently placed in his container. The
Opponent immediately unloads the container as usual (although his spaceship is located in
the orbit of the destination planet).
Unloading the goods is done as usual - the Opponent will receive the bonus of 1 Megagalax
per card if unloading at a planet where no goods cards are ready to be transported, for example.
In the same turn the Opponent will then load his container. He selects the most profitable
freight that is ready to be transported anywhere at a planet -
regardless how far this planet is located from his spaceship.
The most profitable freight always consists of goods cards having the same destination
planet where the sum of the numbers on the cards is the highest.
In the case that several planets exist having such a freight ready for transport the Opponent
will select the planet which is nearest the sun. Should this planet have several freights ready
for transport all showing the highest sum the Opponent will select the goods cards where the
destination planet is nearest to the sun.