Scott Russell
There are many differences, but the concept of reaching a given fortune level imparts the same feel as
AH's Merchant of Venus. The routes are simpler because the ships simply move between planets within a solar
system and you don't have to maintain capital to buy the next load. The upgrades to the ship and building ports
are handled with the cards, but do have similar functions of increasing capacity and/or speed of the ship. The
same tradeoff of spending money and time to gain efficiencies on future turns is very similar. In both games
planning and executing efficient routes are rewarded.
Racing to grab large loads of goods is part of the player interaction, but the action cards add another layer. Trading ship
locations or simply the contents of holds can cause a major swing in position. As a result, hand management is a feature,
but not a dominating one.
I see this game getting played (or at least suggested) whenever there are two players and twenty minutes for quite some time.
I am not sure it's my favorite two player game of all time, but it's in contention!
Patrick Korner
A very good game. I seem to have a knack for getting the rules a little bit wrong, but some back and forth with Heinrich Glumpler
(the author) set me straight. It's a light-ish game, but the theme is engaging and I have fun with it. I still don't know for sure
if [Rio Grande Games] is releasing this one, so I'm glad I have my Kosmos edition. Nice to see the Kosmos 2-player line back on
track after some pretty mediocre offerings in recent years.
Rick Heli
The physical production is attractive, but the passenger cards show their planets too low on the card and the victory point
markers are slightly too large for the track. But the amount of time to play is right. Interaction is not major, but players
do compete over the same loads and may also play cards to cancel the opponent's cards. Overall this should appeal to just
about anyone as long as reading a lot of cards is not minded. For this reason it's absolutely critical to have a version in
a language one understands. (At this moment only a German edition is available.) If the game sells well, perhaps an expansion
could create a planetary geography more interesting than a simple line, an Auf Achse in space if you will.
Strategy: High; Theme: High; Tactics: Medium; Evaluation: Medium; Personal Rating: 7
This review was written in febuary 2008 - Rio Grande Games is considering to publish the game in the near future.
Frank Branham
So there is now this card game that tries to distill a 2+ hour space epic into a 30-45 minute two-player card game. This is a mostly
impossible design goal, and pretty much doomed to failure.
In this rare case, Herr Glumpler pretty much managed it.
The entire thing will fit inside of 30 minutes with practice, which makes it a remarkable adaptation. We need to get an update on the
English version. This is a game well worth picking up.
... if you are looking for a fairly quick pick-up-and-deliver game I recommend "Perry Rhodan"...
this is an excerpt from the dice tower episode #117 podcast - click the link to find the complete podcast